If you are moving because of a transfer with your company and you own a company car, you can have your car shipped rather than driving it to the new location. Just as with your personal car, shipping a company car allows you to enjoy the benefits of auto transport rather than driving the car yourself.

hose benefits include:

  • Saving the time needed to drive the car a long distance (such as popular routes like New York to Florida or California to Texas
  • Saving the costs of gas, food and lodging on the road
  • Saving wear and tear on the vehicle

However, there are certain tips for shipping a company car that you want to keep in mind before moving forward with plans to hire an auto transport company.

Get Company Permission

In most cases, you will need the company’s permission to get a car shipped. Much in the way you limit personal use of a company car, you also must let them know if you plan to get it transported as part of a move. Some companies will require you to sign paperwork to get the job done.

In some cases, a company may not offer transport services. Instead, they may take the car back and give you a new one once you arrive at your destination.

Ask the Company to Handle Transport

Many companies handle the move for employees who they transfer to a new location, making all the arrangements with movers. In the same way, they also may offer to handle auto transport as part of the move. At the very least, you want to ask if this service is available, which will allow you to take something off your plate during a move.

Meet Distance Requirements

Some companies may only allow you to ship a company car if the move covers a certain amount of distance. Anything under that distance and they may require you to drive the vehicle. But it’s worthwhile to check with human resources on this issue. They may make an exception under certain circumstances, such as health reasons.

Insurance and Licensing

An auto transport company will want to ensure that the company car has proper insurance as well as licensing as a company vehicle before agreeing to transport it.

Getting Reimbursed for Shipping a Company Car

As noted above, some employers will manage finding and hiring an auto transport company as part of helping you with your move. However, in some cases, an employee does it all themselves and then gets reimbursed for the cost.

This may also extend to your personal car if you use it primarily for business. Check with your company to see if they are willing to pay part or all of your shipping costs for a vehicle that you own but use for company business.

Shipping a company car provides many benefits, especially for long-distance moves where you must choose between driving your car or using auto transport. However, every company has its own unique policies. Make sure to check far in advance of your move to find out whether shipping your company car is a viable option.