If you rely on Yelp reviews to find the perfect auto transport company, you may be misled. Since most people that leave reviews are often the ones with complaints, many of the people with positive experiences do not take the time out to write your reviews. In a way, the Yelp reviews aren’t a very fair judgment for how the company performs.

You may also run into fake reviews. Competing companies will often do this to make other companies look less qualified for the job. Since this is often a game for many companies, ones that are performing poorly may create fake positive reviews for themselves.

People seem to leave reviews on, especially extreme experiences, whether they are positive or negative. This means the many people that were in between or satisfied with the job did not leave a review. It is better to trust a company with a 3.5 star review and 100 reviews than one with 5 stars and only 3 reviews. You may be better off using websites like Expedia, that will give you reviews from actual paying customers. This ensures that your reviews are not from any fake customers or competitors trying to leave bad reviews.

When Yelp goes through fake reviews, they may miss many reviews. They also may remove reviews from customers who pose as an unreliable source if they have only given a few reviews in the past. So that 5-star review that you just earned from a customer may not even show up if they on left 3 reviews in the past. Yelp will also treat the “Elite Yelpers” as highly trustworthy, whereas other reviews may be vetted.

So can you really trust Yelp after learning how the reviews are submitted? Many of them may not even go through and the ones that make it through may be a business looking to leave their competitor with a bad review. From Yelp poorly filtering reviews to not being able to ask for Yelp reviews – there’s a high chance that the negative reviews will on the first page of Google Search results when someone searches your company. When searching Yelp reviews, just keep in mind that they may not always reflect the performance of a company.