When it comes time to ship your vehicle there are some things you as the customer can do to help speed up the transport process. One important tip is to make sure your gas tank is low at the time of pick up. It’s simple, less gas means less weight and less weight means faster shipping. In the effort to help your vehicle reach its destination quickly, customers should take the time to ensure their gas tank is kept low before shipping and not wait until last minute. It’s recommended to keep your tank 1/8th to 1/4th filled, but whatever you do just don’t leave it empty. It’s important to remember that you should leave enough gas in your vehicle so you can reach a safe destination after you retrieve your vehicle from the transport trailer, which is why we emphasize on not leaving your tank empty. Although it is perfectly fine to give your vehicle to the driver with a full tank, it is not preferred. Along with the customer, the driver wants to be as time efficient as possible and any small things customers can do to help would be greatly appreciated.

Because, many auto transport companies charge by weight, this is a small yet valuable tip to follow. The goal is to get you the best rate available and keep money in your pocket and just doing the simple task of leaving a low gas tank will do just that, save you money. These days everyone is looking for savings wherever they can find it, so why not do yourself the favor and take the recommended step of making sure your gas tank is kept low when you decide to transport your vehicle. Often enough customers forget get this simple task, so be aware that there are ways to cut down costs of vehicle transport you might not realize. This is just one useful to make your auto transport experience and easier one, so you can get the best results from your auto shipper.