

We would be completely remiss not to notify all of you that it is National Truck Driver Appreciation Week. We’re not saying that you should go out and find a trucker to hug (especially not without first receiving permission) but it is important for you to appreciate and realize the role they play in society. It wouldn’t be a stretch to say that America absolutely relies on truckers. Just think of the items you buy online, or at the grocery store or at a restaurant. Most of those items are delivered by truckers. And what about the gas you use to travel to all of these places? Yep, a trucker delivered that as well. Their contribution to society and to everyday life can be easy to overlook and that’s exactly why National Truck Driver Appreciation Week is so important to us. Our way of life is dependant on the men and women who transport goods and materials to the far-flung corners of the United States, so it isn’t too much to take a week out of the year to be aware of that. And maybe even find one to give a hug. If they’re okay with that.