In the past, most people associated auto transport with car dealerships or vehicle auctions, not individuals who simply wanted their car moved to a new location, but didn’t want to drive it themselves. But that’s changed in recent years as more people discover the benefits of auto transport.

Car shipping is so popular that experts estimate the market will grow to $1 billion by 2029. For those moving a car a long distance, such as New York to Florida or California to Texas, auto transport increasingly makes good sense. 

It’s now possible to have a vehicle shipped to just about any location using a qualified auto transport company. 

Why Hire An Auto Transport Company?

There are many different situations where an auto transport company can provide a solution. And the vehicle type is usually not an issue. A professional auto transport company has contacts across the country who can manage any type of vehicle, including the family sedan or SUV, trucks, motorcycles, boats, and RVs.

While every individual situation is different, some of the most popular reasons include the following. 

A Long-Distance Move. When people make a long-distance move, having their car transported saves them the cost of food, lodging, and gas required to drive the car themselves. They also spare their vehicle from the wear and tear of the road.

Buying a car online. People increasingly search for cars online rather than going through the experience of buying a vehicle in person. It’s convenient and it offers more choices. Auto transport is critical to this process, shipping the vehicle from the dealer directly to a person’s home.

College student’s car. Parents might want their child to have a car on campus, but they often aren’t so keen on the idea of their child driving a thousand miles or more to get there. If your college student’s school requires a Massachusetts to Florida-type drive, auto transport provides a safe alternative.

Classic cars. Owners of classic cars or high-end sports cars aren’t interested in driving them long distances and having the car endure the nicks, scraps, and small dents that can happen on the open road. 

Snowbirds. “Snowbirds’ ‘ is the term used to describe people who spend their winters in a place with warmer weather than what they have at their primary home. Since they have to make a long trip twice a year, many use auto transport rather than drive thousands of miles from, for example, Illinois to Arizona.

Advantages of Using Auto Transport

Those who choose auto transport enjoy many advantages. 

Vehicle safety. With auto transport, the vehicle is picked up at a specific location, safely loaded onto a transport vehicle, and delivered to the owner’s home (or other specified location). That saves the vehicle from many miles of wear and tear on tires, paint jobs, hoses, brakes, and mechanical parts.

Time saved. Driving thousands of miles is time-consuming. Those who use auto transport can fly to their new location and meet the delivery truck in a matter of hours.

Reduced stress. This is one of the biggest benefits. A big move is stressful. So is sending a child off to college or moving an expensive, classic vehicle. Auto transport significantly reduces the stress involved with each of those situations.

Save money. For some long-distance moves, people may even come out ahead because they don’t have to pay all the costs of driving themselves, especially high-priced gas, food, and hotels on the road. 

Transport multiple vehicles. In some cases, there aren’t enough drivers to handle moving all the vehicles. Auto transport handles that challenge.

With the advantage of auto transport becoming more well-known, more people than ever are taking advantage. People at least owe it to themselves to see if auto transport will work in their situation.