Toyota, Electric Cars, Car Transport and ShippingToyota is still feeling the effects from the Japan earthquake from earlier this year. They have experienced automobile shortages and have as a result, been dropping in sales. However, plans to boost sales up to where the company wants them include upping marketing strategies. Toyota’s inventory is continuing to grow and catch up to where it wants to be. New vehicle plans have been introduced as well, such as a new model version of the Toyota Yaris. Sales have been down, but Toyota’s determination is nothing but positive for the future.

Toyota is a perfect example of a company who continuously re-invents themselves. They have made strides with their electric car line, Prius, and with unique marketing strategies. All of these aspects are important in keeping up with the advancement of technology within the auto industry. It is a fast paced, innovative industry, which is all carefully and strategically planned when new concepts, features, and vehicles are released.

If you are in search of the perfect car shipping company to help you with your auto transport, Direct Connect Auto is the company to take on the job.