Taking a long road trip is a great way to spend quality time with family or friends while taking in nature and the scenery that is all around you. However, if you are currently in the process of planning an extended road trip, there are a few safety tips to keep in mind at all times.

Make Plenty of Stops

According to Safe Motorist, making plenty of stops is a way to ensure that you are fully rested and prepared to get back on the road, especially if you are driving hundreds or thousands of miles in one trip. While some individuals may have more endurance than others, regardless of age, it is important to provide your body with plenty of water, nutrition, and rest whenever you are traveling for extended periods of time. Plan to stop at a local gas station, hotel, or nearby resting area every two to four hours while you are on the road. Stopping to rest can prevent you from becoming overtired, especially if you are traveling on flat or straight roads for hours at a time.

Break the Trip Up

According to Stewart J. Guss, drivers who only get five to six hours of sleep before driving nearly double their risk of being involved in a car accident. If you are planning a trip that is longer than 10 hours, try to break your trip up into smaller segments. Trips that require more than 20 hours of driving can quickly become dangerous, if not life-threatening, especially if you are not sharing the driving responsibility with other drivers. Consider getting off of the road before dusk and staying in a local hotel to ensure that you are well-rested for the following day. Plan your trip ahead of time to avoid feeling confused on the road, especially when you are traveling to a state with roadways that you’re not familiar with.

Create Playlists Ahead of Time

Do you find yourself feeling bored while listening to traditional radio stations? As Smarter Travel suggests, you should consider creating playlists of your favorite artists, podcasts, or books before you hit the road to keep yourself entertained while driving. Playlists can also pique your interest and ensure that you pay attention, even as you begin to feel tired.

Knowing how to safely handle a long road trip is essential to prevent upsetting or potentially life-threatening situations while on the road. Preparing and taking your time can ultimately result in a more pleasant and positive experience altogether.

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