Hugo Pulenta, the importer for Porsche, made a deal to ship wine and olives to Argentina from his family’s vineyard in exchange for the selling of Porsche. There is a spike in auto sales in Argentina and the market will be saturated. It has been done before; the exchange of selling luxury cars for goods, however overhead is difficult to match. Argentina is an important car export to Brazil.

Cheap Auto ShippingThe specifics are controversial, however the bigger picture is a fascinating way in which the auto industry is able to exchange goods and expose the capabilities of vehicles globally. With the influx of the Internet and technological advances, information and the automobiles themselves can be easily transmitted among companies and across countries. The ability to easily do so would not be possible without advances in technology today. The ease of travel and exposure will continue to increase and merge ideas, impacting the overall advancement of the auto industry. If you are looking to ship your vehicle overseas, Direct Connect Auto can provide you with a free shipping quote.